>This isn't really a function of a user group, is it?     It's solely an 
>individual user/VAR/IBM function, and I firmly believe the VAR has some 
>rights to preclude access if the VAR deems it prudent.....    

Why ? The end user is buying the product - and they should have access to make 
full use of it. That sort of protectiveness just masks a laziness on the part 
of the VAR: are they worried their users might end up knowing more than they 
do, or start looking at what their VARs are actually supplying in terms of 
systems and service too closely?  

If the VARs are really adding value, they won't have anything to fear. If they 
aren't - they should get off their backsides and start doing so.

The worst outcome is the 'little knowledge' syndrome, where users end up 
catching bits and pieces from other sources without having access to the 
background information to apply it safely.
If I buy an SQL Server based application, I can still get to the huge Microsoft 
knowledge base.

It's that kind of dark-ages thinking that holds us all back. 

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