Hm,  I  really  forgot  this online help.But still - I do not have any
   statements  for  user  aobrts  defined  for phantoms, nothing even ins
   Maybe  there  are  some  UDT.OPTIONS that may influence the behaviour,
   that I'm not sure.
   What  I  mean  with  max  error handling, is that all UD defined error
   conditions  (at  least what we know :)) are defined and producing some
   CRT output.
   What  I  may  miss, is this flushing to flat file. I've seen many many
   times  that if I the phantom dies, the _PH_/ output is not consistent.
   At  the same time, in this case there is also not this ...completed...
   It  also seems to me, that this is quite specific to UDT 6.09 combined
   with  SunOs  5.9. We never ever had thiis problem for example with UDT
   5.x/6.x and RH.

We have an "overnight" process that does pretty much the same.
Occasionally someone had their backup routine running at the same time.
This locks the files at the OS level and causes UniData to stop with an
error when it tries to do the read/write.

We get the same error message (may be a different number) right at the
end - but prior to that there are a bunch of "permission denied" errors.

Perhaps it's within your error handling (I would not categorize ours as
"maximum"). If your error handling is "trapping" the problem and not
creating any output for the _ph_ to pickup maybe your just not "seeing"
the problem. Does your error handling log/print the errors?

I just checked HELP PHANTOM and this was in there:
Phantom run basic error exit code

The following table lists the exit codes generated by phantom processes:

     Code                             Description

      1        Runtime error

      3        User abort statement

      4        Phantom process requested input data

      5        Phantom process was interrupted

      6        Message queue error

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: Lembit Pirn

  As a matter of fact, no !
  The two last lines are just:
  Phantom run basic error, exit 3.
  PHANTOM process 14038 has completed.
  I've  seen  this quite many times before and never found
out why it is
  ending. In principle it is just simple
  SELECT ...
  READ ...
  WRITE ...
  loop with maximum error handling on read/write.

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Lembit Pirn

7+7 Software
Mustamde tee 4
Tallinn 10621
phone: +372 6566 232
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