Reading some of posts on this one, I had to throw my 2 cents in here.   I
agree with Brian's concept that MV *IS* a vibrant, modern technology capable
of doing all the things the other environments do.   For the past 3 years
now,  I have been exclusively doing .Net development with Oracle and SQL
backends.  This after 20 years as a MV developer.  

The real problem as I see it lies in marketing, tool sets and the skills of
those of us left still carrying the mantle.   After becoming quite well
versed in PL-SQL and Oracle,  I can say from experience that it is fairly
similar, probably more cumbersome, AND NOT GUI.   Avoiding the arguments of
the pros and cons of SQL databases vs MV(there are many and I've come to
appreciate the integrity levels of the SQL databases over MV),  the big
difference is how SQL Server/Oracle/Sybase etc. are marketed,  the
integration with modern tools and the lack of skill of many MV experts to
integrate the modern tools with MV.   

I think the days of developing MV with character interfaces are a complete
dead end.   Anyone doing any new development that way is providing a
disservice to their target audience.   It's building new obsolescence.
They are deemed old from the start and the 1st targets for replacement no
matter how functional they are.   The key today is n-tier design where your
options are where is your data, business logic and presentation.    MV is
*DEAD* on the presentation side.  It can  however, be an excellent
repository for data and your business logic.   That's what the SQL guys do.
Data repositories and some business logic.   The real business stuff is in
Java or some .Net language and likely the same for the presentation layer.
MV and especially U2 can follow that exact model as the hooks have been
there for quite a while.  The fact that we don't as a community has
contributed to the continued attrition of our market.  

Mike Randall,  MCP


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 7:38 AM
Subject: RE: MV Books (Formerly: [U2] Incubator - News from the board)


Please don't feel my reply to your 'DOS-like' post was an attack. It
absolutely wasn't.

I just get frustrated that we - as a community - don't seem willing to
spread the word that this IS a vibrant and modern technology, but seem to
glory (and sometims wallow) in its past. Sometimes it seems we are
embarrassed to proclaim how good and up-to-date it really is, and take
refuge in our history when we should be trying to reach out. 
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