
My comments to your post would be one of what is your real business?  I
think maximizing billable hours from a consulting standpoint is very
different than building viable software solutions for today's market.   I
have a couple of green screen guys myself that love their 10+ year old app
and are reluctant/too price sensitive to rush into changing it.  

What I get from each of them is increased need to do more 'modern' things
based on competitors or new business requirement where integration to other
things is a requirement (web and MS Office are the most common).   As the
new request come in,  I use the opportunity to modernize the environment
wherever possible.    

I would think one way if my goal was generating hours and quite another if
my goal was developing software.  I would think that every MV software
company out there has dumped or is trying to dump their green screen.  If
they don't,  they flat out won't be able to sell it.

Mike Randall,  MCP


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MAJ Programming
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: MV Books (Formerly: [U2] Incubator - News from the board)


I'm no stranger to voicing my observed professional opinion regarding MV (or
other topics) to see where my opinions lie with everyone else.

Perhaps I'm fortunate in that my 15 or so clients are pretty content with
their current MV systems, despite how far out of the 'norm' they may be.
While I speak for myself, I'm sure that the accumulated opinion of my
clients still bodes well for their green screens.

None are in technical businesses. A few are in manufacturing, publishing,
distribution and other tangible businesses.

Theirs is a gradual evolution in that new ideas may take a while before they
can be applied to their companies. As many will offer flames, I cannot
pepper every conversation with my clients on the latest and greatest
technologies. I've been down that road and it ain't as easy as many of the
others on this forum may expect.

This may throw down the gauntlet as many may feel that I'm dropping the ball
and not being the best for my clients. How can I be doing such a bad thing
for my clients when my average tenure with them is 10 years and I pretty
much remain until they get acquired or go out of business. Only 2 exist that
have retired their MV systems for something else.

I don't feel that I'm inhibiting my own growth as I truly wonder what
direction to invest my vocations in. I don't want to endeavor into the new
languages, especially java or <dot>net as I don't want to compete with every
22 year old fresh college graduate for those jobs.

I'm already making money with my VB project and if all goes well, I could
feasibly ramp up to this project generating 50% of my current income. While
VB may not be the latest and greatest, it is an example of the client
(customer) not really caring what's under the hood. They like my car.

Mark Johnson
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