OK - I've built my EXT file, and am parsing the heck out of XML strings I am
getting back from a 3rd party product.  Actually going half way decently!

Question - is there a way to NOT have to write the XML to disk in order to
use the 'comparatively easy' Prepare/Open/Read XML comands?

I see the XDOM commands support 'FromString', but the commands are a BEAR to
navigate - the documentation is poor, and just plain wrong in some places.
(Example - shows a command XDOMLocatenNode(the first, XDOM.NEXT.CHILD, 2,
XDOM.ELEMENT.NODE, entrynode2)  -- while testing, I found that
XDOM.NEXT.CHILD is not a valid EnumeratedType?? - probably should have been

BUT - the XDOM does allow processing the a string.  Is there a way to make
the Prepare/Open work from a data string?  As it is, I essentially write a
record  only so the next command can read it - seems like a wasteful set of
Disk I/O since I will not want to keep that XML traffic!

Any thoughts welcome!

David W.
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