And one more queestion...  I thought the EXT caused the system to 'use' the
dictionary of the files being referenced:

<U2XML_extraction xmlns:U2xml="";>
<file_extraction start="/QUERY/TAXNAMES" dictionary="TESTING.XML"
null="EMPTY" />
  <field_extraction field="TAXNAMES_TAXID" path="ELEMENT,TAXID/text()" />
  <field_extraction field="TAXNAMES_SCHDIST" path="ELEMENT,SCHDIST/text()"
  <field_extraction field="TAXNAMES_TAXNAME" path="ELEMENT,TAXNAME/text()"
  <field_extraction field="TAXNAMES_STARTDATE"
path="ELEMENT,START_DATE/text()" />
  <field_extraction field="TAXNAMES_STOPDATE"
path="ELEMENT,STOP_DATE/text()" />
  <field_extraction field="TAXNAMES_GEO" path="ELEMENT,GEO/text()" />

In my case, each of the 'field=' items point to a "D" item dictionary entry
in the 'dictionary="TESTING.XML"' -- Yet I find that if I change the order
of the field_extraction list, the data order of the resulting record on the
XMLRead changes as well.  Huh?  Why am I going to the trouble to list a
dictionary, and then the field names from the dictionary if that's not going
to govern the Attribute the data is stored in?

As the example above, the TAXNAMES_GEO is a "D" pointer to attribute 3 in
the TESTING.XML file.  But since I put it as the 6th line, it's showing up
in the 6th attribute.

I'm getting a valid, related MultiValue list of data from this process, it's
just that I am discovering I could not have an import 'skip around' to build
a resulting UniData record - that is - the extract above cannot update
attributes 2, 12, 15, 17, 19, 3 -- it can only update 1,2,3,4,5,6 -- no
skippeing aounrd attributes, and the 'field=' part does not appear have any
'use'. (Documentation? Decoration? I changed TAXNAMES_GEO to be TAXNAMES_DOG
- same resulting record when it ran... Hmmmmm...)

Something strikes me a wrong here - I thought the Prepare/Open/Read would
essentially 'build' me a UniData item - and it does - but only an item that
is a top down match to the EXT -- In that case, I can't see why it cares
what 'dictionary=' or 'field=' are in use.  Why ask/store all that if
ultimately it does nothing?

Am I being a clod and missing something?  Inquiring Minds Need to Know!


David W.
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