The US? Metric? Maybe in science but think back to the recent lost
satellite that was caused by an error between standard and metric
because metric was assumed by everyone except the vendor for a part. If
the red on that image is supposed to be countries that use metric then
someone is pulling your leg. Invert the colours and you might get
countries that use metric.

Personally, I think that the dates should be standardized to YY/MM/DD.
It makes sense to show general to most specific. Look at mailing
addresses and you see the same issue. Country on the last line when
maybe it should be first?

Ron Sharcott (3635)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stevenson,
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 9:44 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Tony Jones/WA/QBE/Insurance is out of the office.

> > I will be out of the office starting  04/07/2007 and
> > will not return until 09/07/2007.
> five months?  :-)  Clearly, he's using European-style
> (or should I just say non-American) dates.

The USA leads the way in other innovations too:
(The funny thing is, the US really is an innovator.  Go figure.)
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