Run uvbackup from the AIX command line with output to a file. Compress 
the resulting file (optional of course). Ftp the compressed file to the 
Linux box. Uncompress and restore.

I'm sure one of the folks here will gladly provide the exact AIX syntax 
for uvbackup from the command line since right off the top of my head I 
can't remember it.

Jon Wells wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are trying to copy Unidata accounts from our AIX box to our Linux 
> box. We do not have a common tape drive we can use which would seem 
> the ideal way to copy large amounts of stuff. We decided to try using 
> "scp" (SSH version of cp) and managed to get some small accounts 
> copied over and working. It is a very slow process :-( While trying to 
> use "scp" on an account with larger files (not huge mind you), the 
> process will stall and then it is disconnected. Does anyone know what 
> would cause "scp" to stall like that? It does not seem to use up a lot 
> of resources on either box.
> Any suggestions on what else would work in both a secure and, 
> preferably, a faster manor?
> Thanks,
> *-----------------------------------------------------------*
> Jon Wells
> Database Administrator Beloit College
> Information Services & Resources Beloit, Wisconsin
> 608-363-2290 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 608-363-2100(fax)
> *-----------------------------------------------------------*
> Colleague 17 Benefactor 5.1
> AIX 5.1.3 IBM RS6000 F50 UniData 6.1.11
> *-----------------------------------------------------------*
> -------
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