I can confirm (that ud/uv will run fine on the same system) as I currently run jBASE 4.1, unidata 7.x amd universe 10.x on the same virtual machine running linux (centos to be exact (free version fo red hats advanced sever 4.0)) and they all work just fine together


Clifton Oliver wrote:
Use .NET to write a simple read/write utility to use UniObject.NET to copy logical records from one data source to another? I think UD and UV can coexist on the same machine (somebody please confirm or negate), so you wouldn't necessarily have to pay network overhead.

Or, write your own dump/load utility in UniBasic(s).

When you are SURE that everything in your program is correct AND your program STILL DOES NOT work, one thing you can be sure of is that something you are sure of is wrong - unknown
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