The right-justification idea makes the most sense to me.  If the index
was created and built when the field was defined as right-justified, and
then somebody changed the definition to left-justified, it might still
think you couldn't use the query.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Haskett
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:35 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] UD: Using indexes in UniQuery


Thanks.  But I did that too (I also showed the REQUIRE.INDEX keyword
can't come at the end of the sentence).

>2 Demo (0)-> select GLPOST REQUIRE.INDEX WITH INDEX_2 LIKE "0605..."
>Index can not be used processing this query.
>2 Demo (0)->


>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Davis
>Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 1:13 PM
>Subject: RE: [U2] UD: Using indexes in UniQuery
>Place the REQUIRE.INDEX option after "select GLPOST" and before the 
>first WITH.  You can't place it after the criteria in UniData.
>REQUIRE.INDEX works in ecltype U but not ecltype P.
>You can also use "NO.INDEX" to force it NOT to use the index.  Try:
>It might be saying you can't use the index because it is interpreting
>0605 as a pattern instead of a literal.
>LIKE "'0605'..." instead of "0605..."
>As for the queries taking longer, are the files sized correctly?
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Haskett
>Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 3:35 PM
>Subject: [U2] UD: Using indexes in UniQuery
>I forgot to add:
>UD v7.1.9
>SORT.TYPE = 2  (forced to do this because of improper sorting in 
>  _____
>From: Bill Haskett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 12:25 PM
>To: ''
>Subject: UD: Using indexes in UniQuery
>I'm having difficulty ensuring the indexes are used in UniQuery.  In 
>D3, if I do the
>26 Demo (0)-> SELECT GLPOST WITH INDEX_2 = "0605]"
>[4041] 21791 items selected.
> would always use the index if one existed.  I knew the index was 
>used because the selected message didn't include the " out of {n} 
>items." string appended to the end (e.g. "[404] 21791 items selected
out of 884083 items.").
>On an old P3 server, running D3, with 50 people on it, 512Mb memory 
>(shared by Linux), this took about 9 seconds.  On a new Intel Xeon 
>server, running UniData,
>5 people on it, 2Gb memory, Windows 2K3, this took about 19 seconds.
>In UniData, I notice some selects are taking significantly longer than 
>in D3.  I've properly indexed the file, I can test that indexing works 
>by using a BASIC program than does the usual SETINDEX, READXFWD, 
>READXBCK, etc.  The index looks
>22 Demo (0)-> LIST.INDEX GLPOST
>Alternate Key Index Details for File GLPOST             Page   1
>File..................  GLPOST
>Alternate key length..  45
>Node/Block size.......  4K
>OV blocks.............  1 (0 in use, 0 overflowed) 
>Indices...............  2 (0 D-type) Index updates.........  Enabled, 
>No updates pending
>Index-Name......  F-type K-type Built Empties Dups In-DICT S/M 
>INDEX_1           V      Txt    Yes   Yes     Yes  Yes     S   
>INDEX_2           V      Txt    Yes   Yes     Yes  Yes     S   OCONV(
> 'MR%4' )
>                                                               _PSTD :
>                                                               CCTNO, 
>'MR%6' )
>                                                               : OCONV(

>@ID, 'M
>                                                               R%8' )
>2 Demo (0)-> LIST GLPOST INDEX_2
>LIST GLPOST INDEX_2 12:14:43 Aug 15 2007 1 GLPOST 
>829572 026020040700407000829572
>377626 014020030300407000377626
>583056 060520030800307000583056
>500884 077020000500407000500884
>952830 095020050100513000952830
>When I try the REQUIRE.INDEX keyword it seems to fail.
>2 Demo (0)-> select GLPOST WITH INDEX_1 LIKE "200702..." REQUIRE.INDEX 
>In E:\DataTrust\DTA\BP\BP\_TCL.SHELL at line 1023 select GLPOST WITH
>"200702..." REQUIRE.INDEX
>In E:\DataTrust\DTA\BP\BP\_TCL.SHELL at line 1023 
>In E:\DataTrust\DTA\BP\BP\_TCL.SHELL at line 1023 syntax error
>2 Demo (0)-> select GLPOST REQUIRE.INDEX WITH INDEX_2 LIKE "0605..."
>Index can not be used processing this query.
>2 Demo (0)->
>Does anyone know how to make sure indexes are used automatically by 
>UniQuery, or how to make them work period?  I can't seem to find
anything in the UDT.OPTIONS manual.
>Bill Haskett
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