This is exactly my point. I have good filtering too on servers and local
workstations, but I still get some spam.  If they don't have your real
email address they can't send you spam. The spam volume directly resulting
from my postings to this forum suddenly shot up a couple weeks ago.  After
unsubscribing from this forum and then re-subscribing with this new
address, I just deleted the old address and now I'm getting zero spam from
that particular "attack vector".  That doesn't eliminate spam entirely but
every little bit helps. also runs through filters (which
serves as a pre-filter to your own) and optionally does greylisting, which
challenges sending servers to re-send mail - a legitimate server will
re-send but a spammer will not.

So anyway, I don't want to belabor this thread, just share some info that
might be of use since this forum was specifically targeted.

Since we're here, note that version 4 of my Outlook macros for Subject
cleanup is available on our freeware site (download macro4, all info is in
It removes text like "{unclassified}", redundant tokens like
"re:[U2][UD]re:re:[UD][UD]" and the funky text inserted by other people's
email processors that we see in this forum.  It's free, safe, open source,
and I use it all the time so I know it works.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development

Jerry Banker wrote:
> Well, let's see now, I get approximately 150 over the weekend and they
> end up in my junk folder. About 99% are filtered out. That's the
> number that got through our network filter.

> From: Allen E. Elwood
> I get about 10 a day, but 95% of those end up in my ZoneAlarm junk
> mail or challenged mail folders.

> From Ray Wurlod
> Nice idea, though I believe my heavy-duty spam filters must be
> working - I get very few.
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