I posted the following when SYSTEM(9001) was invented.  It's gotta be in
the archives somewhere.

I recently added it to the newly developing U2UG Wiki, along with a
table of other un- or poorly documented uses of SYSTEM(n), sorted by
said "n".  Most info I gleaned from u2-users list archives.

Some formatting is lost Cut&Pasting it back to this text-only format,
but here it is:


SYSTEM(9001) Call stack of current process

SYSTEM(9001) tells you what program you are in & where you came from! It
will return a dynamic array that contains roughly the same info that
PORT.STATUS LAYER.STACK or RAID "T" command coughs up. 

- Value 1 of each attribute is the depth in the return stack 
  Non-negative numbers mean that those programs are all part of the
return stack. 
  Negative numbers below simply mean those subroutines were called and
returned from in the past. 
  I don't think @LEVEL has anything to do with it, contrary to the
patchlist text. 
- Value 2 is the program 
- Value 3 is the hex address 
  The object address you see when you VLIST a program 
  For the negative depths, n/a. 
  (0x0 on DUMMY example is real. They are small programs.) 
- The number of values is constant, 
  the number of attributes grows or shrinks. Oh well. 

One caution: 
The data is turned 90 degrees from conventional MV data design: the
values "should" have been the attributes; the attributes, values.  Each
value has a different meaning, multi-attributes for multiple


Here is a sample subroutine that displays the data and a dummy program
that calls it. Then from the menu, I get to pseudo-TCL and execute the
dummy program. 


0002 CRT "Depth Executing.......................... Address" 
0003 S = SYSTEM(9001) 
0004 FOR A = 1 TO COUNT( S, @AM ) 
0005 CRT S<A,1> "4R##: ": S<A,2> "40L#40": S<A,3> 

0006 NEXT A 
0007 CRT QUOTE( S ) 
0008 RETURN 
0001 CALL SYS9001 

8 lines long. 
. - - - -: XEQ RUN CDS.BP DUMMY 
Executing the command "RUN CDS.BP DUMMY" 
Depth Executing.......................... Address 
3: CDS.BP.O/SYS90010x6 
2: CDS.BP.O/DUMMY 0x0 
1: /dbms/uv/catdir/*UVPRINTMSG 0x4b40 
0: /dbms/uv/catdir/-MATBLOCK 0x0 
-1: /dbms/uv/catdir/-PERMISSIONS 0x0 
-2: /dbms/uv/catdir/-GET.FILE.NAME 0x0 
-3: /dbms/uv/BP.O/ED.B 0x0 
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