<quote who="Hennessey, Mark F.">
> While I'm not a UD user, I should think that it would benefit from the
> errlog function. But everyone would benefit by making it smarter...  I
> would like to be able to configure it similar to syslog. I'd like 'low
> grade' errors either logged elsewhere or not at all...  Usually half of
> my error log is generated from menu errors:  " Invalid command.  Type
> "?" for help."....   Usually someone has put a book on their Enter
> key....
> Right now the only configurable option is the number of lines before the
> log rolls over. I'd like to have the option of pushing the error
> messages to the syslog service, where I could then do with them what I
> like.

I've included a program below that runs every day on my system where I
strip out anything in the errlog file I don't want to see. I hope it may
be of use to you. The 2 included files have to do with printer formatting
and other common variables that should be self explanatory. They might not
even be used as they are included in just about every program I write. Oh,
and sorry about the wrapped lines.


------- start of code:

      1       program UVERRLOG
      2 ! Karl Pearson
      3 ! 8.21.03
      4 ! updated 7.23.07 to solve printer issues with 'new' HP stuff.
      6 $include INC.KLP
      7 $include HP.LASER
      9       EMP = '' ; POS = EMP ; EXCNT = 0
     10       open EMP,'SYS.MESSAGE' to SYS.MSG else stopm 'No SYS.MESSAGE
     11       HEADER1 = BOLD:oconv(DATE(),'d2'):space(22):"UV Error Log
     12       HEADER2 = space(32):CHR12:"Special For Karl":CHR17
     13 !
     14       execute 'canon'
     15       printer on
     16       assign 0 to system(1016)
     17       print HEADER1
     18       print HEADER2
     19       open EMP,'UV.UFD' to UVDIR else stopm 'ERROR...'
     20       read UVERRLOG from UVDIR,'errlog' then
     21          UVERRLOG = trim(UVERRLOG)
     22          UVERRLOG = change(UVERRLOG,char(0),' ',0)
     23          UVERRLOG = change(UVERRLOG,char(127),'[',0)
     24          UVERRLOG = change(UVERRLOG,char(12),'ff',0)
     25          TOTAL = dcount(UVERRLOG,@am)
     26          for X = 1 to TOTAL
     27             if X = 0 then go 101
     28             if X = 1 then print
     29             findstr '[' in UVERRLOG<X> setting POS then
     30                if POS then
     31                   POS = EMP
     32                   ERRNUM = field(UVERRLOG<X>,'[',2)
     33                   ERRNUM = field(ERRNUM,']',1)
     34                   read ERRREC from SYS.MSG,ERRNUM then
     35                      ERRREC = change(ERRREC,@am,' ',0)
     36                      ERRREC = trim(ERRREC)
     37                      UVERRLOG<X> =
     38                      UVERRLOG<X> = change(UVERRLOG<X>,'.)',')',0)
     39                   end
     40                end
     41             end
     42 !
     43             go EXCEPTIONS
     44 RMTHEM:
     45             findstr STR in UVERRLOG<X> setting POS then
     46                EXCNT += 1
     47             end
     48             return
     50             STR = 'No record found in the VOC file' ; gosub RMTHEM
     51             STR = 'Unmatched quotation marks.' ; gosub RMTHEM
     52             STR = 'DELETEd file definition record' ; gosub RMTHEM
     53             STR = 'No such file or directory' ; gosub RMTHEM
     54             STR = 'Automatic Logout' ; gosub RMTHEM
     55             STR = 'No active SELECT list' ; gosub RMTHEM
     56             STR = 'RetrieVe: syntax error' ; gosub RMTHEM
     57             STR = 'terminated.' ; gosub RMTHEM
     58             STR = 'is not in your VOC.' ; gosub RMTHEM
     59             STR = 'Illegal verb' ; gosub RMTHEM
     60             STR = 'logging inactivated in uvconfig' ; gosub RMTHEM
     61 !
     62             if POS then
     63                POS = EMP
     64             end else
     65                POS = EMP
     66                print X:'R#3'': ':UVERRLOG<X>
     67             end
     68          next X
     69 101:     print X:' Total Lines'
     70          print EXCNT:' Exceptions not included in this report.':
     71          print ' To see them all, manually edit UV.UFD errlog.'
     72       end
     73       assign 1 to system(1016)
     74       printer off
     75       printer close
     76       execute 'RUN BP SET.DIMENSIONS'
     77    end

Karl Pearson
Director of I.T.
ATS Industrial Supply, Inc.
800-789-9300 x29
Local: 801-978-4429
Fax: 801-972-3888

"To mess up your Linux PC, you have to really work at it;
 to mess up a microsoft PC you just have to work on it."
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