One of our end users started getting the printer on (AccuTerm - this prints
everything you do to the printer and keeps it attached to your session so no
one else can print) last week.  One of our other programs, found the reason
was he'd changed some equated statements from having the actual value of the
value mark and subvalue mark to @VM and @SVM.

Example:  EQU VALID.CC.TYPES TO 'A}B}D}M}S}V' was changed to EQU
VALID.CC.TYPES TO 'A':@VM:'B':@VM:'D':@VM:'M':@VM:'S':@VM:'V'

The locates that previously worked on stopped working on the new equ values
causing the whole string that related to that value to be sent back to the
user. Somehow this whole string when it was displayed to the screen turned on
the printer on function.

The other programmer did several example different locate types in a test
program and all but one failed on the new value that used the @VM and all
worked with the old equate.

So, we all said "HUH???", he changed it back and the program is now working
properly again.

Just wanting to know, does anyone have an explanation for this?

Brenda Price

Affiliated Acceptance Corp

Sunrise Beach, MO
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