I own the domain. It's not hosted by myself here in the frigid 82F
degree winter. 

Donald Verhagen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Chief Information Officer - Tandem
Voice: 561.226.8261
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jerry Banker
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 2:33 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] Time Travel

I thought that the list server was located in Australia but when I
looked it up in whois it shows up in Florida and administered by Donald

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 10:56 AM
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Subject: RE: [U2] Time Travel
> I have to add my two bits. Okay, I don't 'have' to...
> I use the exact same email group software (majordomo 1.94.5) on my
> system with over 7000 subscribers to over 180 different email groups.
> groups never see the delays the members of this group see, so with all
> respect, there's something different happening that's causing the
lags. We
> often see as many as 200 emails a second going out of our server,
which is
> an 800mghz PIII with 120GB disk, no mirroring (I know, bad idea) and
> running fedora core 4 (old...). Our group members get their emails
> within seconds, literally. I send an email to this group, and it
> takes an hour or so before I see it come back to me. I send an email
> one of my groups at home, and I get it back within seconds.
> Now then, with that said, I've also added bulk_mailer to my email
> server so maybe that speeds things up a great deal. I don't know. I
did it
> so I would quit getting the annoying 'too many email connections from
> server' errors I see from aol, hotmail, msn, yahoo, netscape, netzero,
> juno, gmail, . . . ad infinitum of the 'big' email hosts.
> My point? none really, other than to show that Charles' nice
> explained _time travel_ doesn't match my real-life experience with my
> majordomo server...
> I don't know why, they just aren't the same.
> Karl
> <quote who="Symeon Breen">
> > Or upgrade to a forum based group - just my standard gripe about
> > lists   ;)
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Moderator
> > Sent: 26 November 2007 06:03
> > To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> > Subject: [U2] Time Travel
> >
> > To fix this problem, you'd have to
> > redesign the methods under which the internet manages and routes
> >
> >     - Charles Barouch, Moderator
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> --
> Karl Pearson
> Director of I.T.
> ATS Industrial Supply, Inc.
> http://www.atsindustrial.com
> 800-789-9300 x29
> Local: 801-978-4429
> Fax: 801-972-3888
> "To mess up your Linux PC, you have to really work at it;
>  to mess up a microsoft PC you just have to work on it."
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