One of the reasons I'm subscribed to the list because I'm interested to
see how other people do it their way. I've learnt some valuable stuff
here. I think contribution to this topic is valid under the banner of
technical discussion. But hey if I'm out of line or if the topic is not
applicable here then I'm sure the moderator will advise.

Apologies to anyone who thinks I was making unacceptable 'noise' -
you're welcome to filter my posts. In my defence - I have always tried
to put a guard clause in my posts asserting it's MY opinion - not - thou
shalt. If I haven't - it's just a bug in my assertion.

Peas be with you,

>-----Original Message-----
>Perhaps you might want to expand your search criteria to include "the
>last ten years" and examine the use of Guard Clauses.
>Does anyone else on the list find these discussions of "style," "good
>practice," etc. to be both out-of-date and an exercise in wasted
>bandwidth (not to mention having too much time on one's hands)?
>People being what they are, these discussions always boil down to,
>"I'm going to do it my way because I'm right and you are wrong."

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