> Have a _PH_ that is just full of crud and I cannot think of a convenient 
> to automate the 'cleanup' from within UniData

I usually do this with scripting at the O/S level, but you could do it 
with UniBasic.  It would go something like this:

1) Open _PH_ with a normal OPEN statement
2) Use FILEINFO(filename, 2) to determine the path to _PH_
3) Loop through with READNEXT
4) Construct the full path using the path to _PH_ and the ID returned by 
5) Use the DIR function to determine the date (and optionally, time) the 
file was updated
6) Delete, archive or whatever, based on the date

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist
U2 Lab Services
Information Management, IBM Software Group
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