Actually - I saw two. Both mine and Tim's used the DIR() function to
grab the date from the OS item. Tim had it in a program and I had it
buried in a program called from a dictionary. 

Perhaps neither of these made it to you???

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: David Wolverton

Thanks for the responses -- but the _PH_ file may contain diagnostic
info we'd want - so we want it around at least 30 days -- but all the
responses yield the same answer -- there is no way to know the date of
the item from within UniData -- Incredible!  A log file that does not
have a date associated with it (except at the OS level, anyway!) -- I
wonder why they didn't include [EMAIL PROTECTED]@TIME in the key? Falls into the
'wow, I can't believe that one' category!

Again, Thanks for the replies!

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