
I wanted to know if a Named common is visible from every session on the server 

I need to generate UUID's Universe doesn't have a function that does this but 
Unix has a : uuidgen program I can execute to capture UUID's.

The problem is that some of our programs run within a TRANSACTION block and 
cannot execute Unix shell commands within a TRANSACTION block.

I though that I would have a phantom process that could run in background 
reserving UUID's for the different users and store this in a named common.

I need to avoid using a file for this as to avoid an I/O bottleneck for the 
same record key.

It has been years since I've used named commons.  I though that the definition 
was something like this:


The compiler accepts this definition and I can feed the UUID variable within my 
phantom process but the other process on a different port & user that attempts 
to read it is unable to do so.  It has the value zero.

If named commons don't do this, is there some kind of global variable I can set 
to do this ?

Any ideas ?

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