Thanks for the reply, it may be something we can work out.

Tom Dodds

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Houben
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] Type ahead buffer overflow

I have had little to no success over the years in trying to convince various
flavors of PICK to honor long strings passed in.  The stty settings
guarantee that the O/S gets the data, but does NOT guarantee that PICK can
handle the long string.

What has always worked for us is to insert CRs every hundred or so bytes,
and then make sure the data ends with two CRs.  The INPUT is done in a loop,
concatenating the data, until you get an INPUT with an empty string, at
which point you are done. This only works provided that you don't want to
preserve CRs for some reason.  It means you have to paste into something
else, massage it, then copy the massaged text.  May not be automated enough
for you, but just in case it helps...

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Dodds
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 9:41 AM
Subject: [U2] Type ahead buffer overflow

Or something like that.

We have a client that uses a paste from Windows into an input statement,
within a UniBasic program, to enter data.  The string get quite large and in
the transmission from VMS to Unix AIX 5.2 running UniData 7.10 we are losing
data.   We have played with the terminal emulator as much as possible, but
we still lose data coming from Windows into UniData.  We have set the sty to
utilize xon/xoff, but still we lose data.

Is there a way to increase the type ahead buffer so we won't overrun it.
The data string could contain multiple pages.

Or does anyone have a solution other then changing terminal emulators, that
is out of the question at this installation.


Tom Dodds
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