Bill, I followed you until this:

* Upper case is an anachronism and should be treated as such rather than
defended.  It
is unwieldy for far too many and, in fact, interferes with efficient typing
at every
turn.  Forcing people to use [Caps Lock] in U2 while all other used
require [Caps Lock] to be off is a egalitarian ruse for autocracy.  :-)
While I understand this is intended to be slightly tongue-in-cheek, saying
that it unequivocally "interferes with efficient typing at every turn" is
quite possibly much more generalized of a statement than the discussion
warrants.  While I agree with your assessment about the mix of applications
that we are using at any given moment which are using the caps lock in the
off position, I find this to be a non-issue and rarely miss more than a
couple of characters when switching between apps.  For me personally, a
couple of caps mistakes a week beats the thousands of times pressing the
Shift key where I - notably a two-finger typist - have to get both hands

But rather than rely upon conjecture, why not actually test this theory?
Let's setup a meeting at Spectrum where we each create a simple sample
program using our case of choice, and we'll appoint an "official" timer to
see which method produces the fastest results.  Game?

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