If you ever want a scare then go through the programs in the Universe BP
file. Some are upper case program lines with mixed case comments and
prompts, the way I prefer it, some are all lower case, some are mixed
case, and some are a mixture of all types. In the latter it appears that
whomever was programming at the time picked their preferred case. So it
appears not only we mere mortals have a problem deciding what standard
to use.
My problem with mixed case in a program is not necessarily a reading
issue but a search issue. Let's take the example of the variable "var",
if you use all caps it is easy to find, search on "VAR". You can do the
same thing if you have all lower case but then the programming doesn't
stand out from the comments or the prompts. If you program in mixed
(camel) case then you would have to start looking for "VAR", "VAr",
"VaR", "Var", "vAR", "vAr", "vaR", and "var", I know that no one would
use a three letter variable in this way but it is possible and this is
just a three letter variable. You can see what happens if you use a
longer variable or command or by throwing in numbers and special
characters. It explodes exponentially.

Jerry Banker

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin King [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 10:36 AM
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Subject: Re: [U2] blank lines in code / mixed case
> I understand your point Brian. So what do we do with the situation
> where
> upper case is actually more readable to me and yet less readable to
> you?
> How do we rationalize such a dichotomy?
> -K
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