
We use CVS here. We store all of our source code in a flat file/directory structure. We use an OS level "build" script to generate the accounts, create the files and dictionaries, and load them with data.

The primary goal in our situation was to create a one-step build for our product, where the entire product would be generated from the ground up. Patches for production systems are created by diff'ing the prior and current release.

We keep each account as separate CVS "module", but it doesn't really matter; all accounts could have been in the same module if we designed it that way. The structure we have is:


for example, the dict item "NAME" for the "CUSTOMERS" file would be stored in


Where the "src" and "DICT" directories provide metadata for the build script, i.e. "src" contains U2 files to create (in this case CUSTOMERS), and the load DICT portion of the file with the source item "NAME". Note that we could have structured this a lot of different ways to get the same result. File type, modulo, and separation are also stored as metadata; for the CUSTOMERS dictionary file above, it would be stored in AR/src/CUSTOMERS/DICT/_FILE_SIZE.

Gotcha's: Depending on Windows vs. Unix, certain filenames or characters within the filename need to be encoded, e.g. "CON" and "AUX" conflict with the DOS command line, and "*" and "&" can also have special meaning. Universe uses "%A" for an asterisk, etc. and you'll need to do something similar (you could write a function that uses url encoding that also encodes DOS keywords).

Suggestion: I wrote an ACCOUNT2DIR utility to create our flat file/directory structure. I was able to tweak it and rerun it until I got the strucure I liked. I suggest that you do something similar so you can easily tryout different structures.


David Beahm wrote:
We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to Subversion, and wanted to get advice from anyone who has done something similar (CVS, etc.) Searching through past posts, I found Brian Leach's note about generating DICT items from scripts, which I quite like; I suspect there are more ideas like that around.
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