Others may know this, but we just found it...

The UniData 'demo' account is presented as an optional installation during
the UniData install process.  I was installing on a small laptop Virtual
Machine, and decided to skip installation of the demo account to save a few

HOWEVER, the XMLDB tool will not operate *at all* unless the UniData Demo
account exists where it's supposed to.  It appears the tool always opens
some file in the udthome/demo directory at connection time, even if the demo
account is not referenced anywhere! We confirmed the bug with IBM, and I'm
sure it will be fixed.

In my setup, I had modified udthome/include/ud_database to NOT reference
'demo' (it does even if you didn't install it - that's odd!!) and I had set
the 'advanced connection' properties to use my account instead.  The XMLDB
tool still was looking for 'demo'.

Nothing helped until I added the 'demo' account back (copied from another
machine!) and update the ud_database file again.  IBM confirmed the problem
and opened an Ecase.

For documentation, the error shows "RPC Error" in the dialog title bar that
says "Unknown Error [30102] Occurred" in the body of the dialog box. You are
then 'connected' to the machine, with no accounts available. And nothing

This error goes away once the 'demo' account is installed.  So the lesson:
Demo is *not really* an optional install!!
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