
So when somebody updates the address book data the next person to login
rebuilds the indices on the ARTMASTER file???

If so, then that's likely the problem. UniData doesn't like it when a file
is updated while the index is being built:

HELP BUILD.INDEX   (Windows 7.1.6)
The ECL BUILD.INDEX command activates alternate key indexes and populates
them with keys. If keys are already present in the index, UniData
overwrites them. While the index is being built, users can access
the related data file, but cannot update it.

That's a pretty strange index. Since part of the key is at the start of the
index then you need to know the key to use the index anyway. We used to do
something similar in D3. We had a large file that we processed every night
(reporting data warehouse) that we ended up putting all of the attributes
that we processed in an index so we went through the index instead of the
file. We didn't need to do that in UniData though.

I think you may be better off re-working whatever uses the index than trying
to get the index to work.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Haskett


The data in the index is extracted from another file.  It's an address book
Here's what a listing looks like:

LIST ARTMASTER INDEX_2 21:44:57 Jun 12 2008 1 ARTMASTER...

260*50/6     0260PETTY, MICHAEL J & DEENA M00050/6
400*48       0400NELSON, MATTHEW0000048
260*35/3     0260MILLER, BRUCE00035/3
135*4712     0135MARTIN, ROBERT K & MARY L0004712

The 1st 4 bytes are from the key.  The next data is a built name in (L, F
MI) format, followed by the 2nd part of the key.  It doesn't matter if the
address book data is changed because if it is then a flag is set and the
"ARTMASTER" file is reindexed upon the next login by anyone.

Do you think this may be a problem?

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