We are also running Epicor's Avanti.  I looked at my program vs. what you had
written.  I noticed 2 things, neither one of which should cause such a serious
error, but it might point you in some direction.

1) we are running unaltered software, and the WRITE statement you mentioned is
on a different line.  Our WRITE is on line 112 while yours is on 115.

2) in our code, it is using a key of WHKEY.  You wrote that you are using
WH.KEY (note the extra period).

If neither of these point you in a useful direction, I would take Wally's
advice and call Epicor.

I have asked another PICK programmer here with 20+ years of experience, and
that error does not sound familiar to either of us.  Let us know what the
solution is.

John Israel

Sr. Programmer/Analyst

Dayton Superior Corporation

721 Richard St.

Dayton, OH  45342

937-866-0711 x44380

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy Cook
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:12 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: [U2] Invalid Lock Sequence Write Errors

I'm getting the following error that's bailing me out of a UniData (version
6.0.9) subroutine. Because I thought it might be corruption, I ran guide,
found no corruption, but a little undersized. I created a new file at correct
modulo, then copied all records from original file over, then renamed new file
to INVWHS. All records copied over (did a count on both). Ran guide on the new
file and everything was as it should be. But I'm still getting the errors.
So...I went in and verified I could edit the individual record, file it, even
copy to new record name and delete original, and that's all working.

In ../../../floprogs/live/LIVE.IIBASE8/BP8.0/_MRPS4029.1 at line 115 UPL error
= 102 : Invalid lock sequence

In ../../../floprogs/live/LIVE.IIBASE8/BP8.0/_MRPS4029.1 at line 115 Lockname
(376257 1073807361) RX -- 13359104

PT->fid -- (376257 1073807361) IX

R(13359104)--[1 0] 703(X 1)

In ../../../floprogs/live/LIVE.IIBASE8/BP8.0/_MRPS4029.1 at line 115 upl lock

In ../../../floprogs/live/LIVE.IIBASE8/BP8.0/_MRPS4029.1 at line 115 1:error
in U_dyn_hash for file 'INVWHS', key '46483*195', number=6522

In ../../../floprogs/live/LIVE.IIBASE8/BP8.0/_MRPS4029.1 at line 115 Fatal
error: WRITE error

This is not just one record (hit about 20 so far), but here's the syntax


The syntax at line 115 is WRITE ITEM.WH ON FILE.WH,WH.KEY.

The record was locked about 10 lines earlier...


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