> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Curt Stewart
> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 4:11 PM
> Subject: [U2] How to setup Distributed files across the network
> Can someone tell me what is required to setup and use 
> distributed files over a network. My client want's to 
> separate the Application from the Data, so that each is on a 
> separate server.  I'm sure someone has already done this or 
> something similiar before and I would appreciate any insight 
> you could share on how to set this up, what if any, 
> additional Universe modules are required.

If you're talking about unix or linux, you can access remote UV files
via NFS.  Just set the ALLOWNFS flag in the uvconfig file to "1" and run
uvregen.  If you're talking about Windows, I think you can use CIFS (I'm
not sure if there's a corresponding uvconfig flag).  Since this is at
the OS level, no special UV software is required.  This might make sense
in a disaster recovery scenario where you're storing the data on a high
performance and highly redundant SAN (they typically support NFS and
CIFS nowadays), and plan to have a backup OS machine either as a
physical duplicate or a virtualized copy on alternate hardware.  If the
OS hardware fails or the OS software gets hosed by a buggy patch, admin
error, etc., you just switch to the alternate OS machine and there's no
need to restore your UV data.

If they just want to split the application and data onto two standard
servers, I can think of a few non-trivial problems.  For one thing,
application performance may be impacted, possibly severely.  For
example, NFS would need to be configured on the server end to do all I/O
synchronously (not the default) to avoid file corruption during a crash.
This slows things down since the client (which is the OS server in this
case) has to wait for an acknowledgement of each write to traverse the
network.  Another major problem I see is that the potential for downtime
has now more than doubled.  If machine A is down, you're down.  If
machine B is down, you're down.  If the network connection between A and
B is down, you're down.  As far as benefits, maybe there's something I
haven't thought of, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

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