<quote who='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' date='Friday 24 October 2008'>
> Would you be willing to share the details?

Sure.  Like many, I was looking for a means to get Perl/Php to connect to 
Unidata.  After someone pointed me to the API documentation (Admin Supplement 
for Client APIs), I did some reading on the various APIs available.  I chose 
to use Intercall as I had more experience with C/C++ than I did with Java.

While I am comfortable in C/C++, I also knew that I did NOT want to place a 
lot of code that needed to be maintained in C/C++.  I already have gobs of 
code in Unibasic that I want to leverage, and I also had plenty of code in 
Perl - I didn't want to have yet a third layer between them that also needed 
to be maintained as I added projects, etc.  Hence, the C program was written 
once and I *never* touch it after it was debugged.  To add functionality, I 
add to Unibasic code and Perl - that's it.

In a nutshell, I wrote a small C program which leverages Intercall to make 
connections to the database.  This is a lightweight program which requires 
little to no maintenance.  In short, the C program is merely the connection 
between Perl and Unidata, passing commands from Perl to a single subroutine 
on the Unidata side.  That subroutine, in turn, does all the work and then 
returns the data back to Perl.

This isn't perfect.  I don't deal with connection pooling so all requests from 
web forms make separate, direct connections to the database.  With 1700+ end 
users (students, faculty, staff) I've never run into a license issue, but 
it's surely possible.

Also, if I had more time and experience, I could've used perlxs to compile the 
Intercall code more tightly with Perl - but I don't.  So currently the C 
program is stand alone which suffers from slight performance issues because 
each request from Perl is independently firing off the program, which 
requires some overhead.  Again, with my usage here this hasn't proved to be a 
problem, but could be in larger implementations.

But what I got in the end is exactly what I wanted: A realtime interface with 
Unidata that returns (possibly) multivalued data as that - no unnesting or 
flattening to ODBC-ify the data.  If I'm using a MV database then I want raw 
MV data in my applications.

I do all my web development with Perl.  But I have shared this with another 
college who got it working under Php and even with my limited php skills, you 
can use the same mechanism as I'm using in Perl.

For more info, 

Server: http://adsys.hampshire.edu
Username: adsys_guest
Password: foobar

In the upper left corner perform a search under 'Documentation' 
for 'Intercall'.   

By the way, the site above is entirely driven using perl and my C program.

Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
Administrative Systems
Hampshire College

"Where I'm from, we believe all sorts of
    things that aren't true. We call it "history."
                       The Wizard, Wicked
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