(This response assumes that your upstream UniVerse billing application is totalling decimal amounts.)

I don't know of specific limitations concerning decimal places, but I do know that precision differences in floating point math cause unexpected behavior.

If you're trying to total dollar amounts in a program, it's a "best practice" to ICONV them into integers before any math operations -- this eliminates all floating point problems.

AFAIK the query language RETRIEVE (i.e. LIST, SORT) performs math operations on the data as-stored in the record, then applies the OCONV before displaying the total (also avoiding floating point problems).


apogee79 wrote:
I shall explain the problem that I am encountering in the best detailed way
that I can. I am working on a billing application (running on UniVerse),
which sends details to a downstream application for invoicing. If several
invoice groups are sent in one shot, where the total is approximately more
that $20 million, an error occurs, due to rounding off. But when those
invoice groups are sent one at a time, this condition does not occur. Is
there any upper limit that is set in the configuration parameters? Can
anyone please throw some light on this?

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