Simple I don't install patches  that require a reboot - I am running 24x7
high transaction servers here - reboots are not allowed (not strictly true
because of load balancers btw) 


As i said before if you have a "server" either linux or windows you don't
mess about with it you keep it as stable as poss to run your app on.
Similarly we do not install 'patches' on our linux boxes unless we really
have to as you do not know what change that will make and you may have to do
a reboot, a developer installed php 5 on one of our test boxes recently and
broke heaps of stuff ! recently I also had an nfs patch on a dev linux box
and had to reboot afterwards for it to work again.  People are so keen to
get on the lets whip windows bandwagon (personally i think *nix is better as
a server os) but i truly believe the biggest set of problems are not caused
by the os but by the policy of the IT departments that maintain the boxes.
Generally windows is set up to auto patch - this is fine for your desktop
but not for your server - you should clearly understand exactly what each
patch is for and determine if you really need it. Conversely linux is rarely
set to auto patch - probably because you have to pay your subscription in
order to do so.  Linux will require a reboot for some patches  which some
people seem to not know or have forgotten !


[] On Behalf Of jpb-u2ug
Sent: 02 June 2009 16:08
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] [u2u] UV on Windows question


I just rebooted my Linux systems last week the first time in about 6 months.
The reason, because the windows servers on our network have been changed so
many times that they were finally starting to affect Samba on the Linux
server. I couldn't just change the IP addresses anymore and restart Samba, I
actually had to reboot the system. I have had the system up so long that I
got a message like Lee's but I try to reboot at least once a year just so
the heads don't weld themselves to the disk surface if I do have to bring
them down for some reason. I don't think we have ever had a windows server
stay up more than a week so I think you are either lucky or you very seldom
install a patch on your server.


Jerry Banker


[] On Behalf Of Symeon Breen
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 9:04 AM
To: 'Lee Bacall'; 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] [u2u] UV on Windows question


My main web server running windows server 2003 was last rebooted Feb 2008 ! 


I think people when you say windows think about their own experience of
their desktop whereas when it is on a server the whole usage is very
different, that is what i am trying to get across !



Having said all this yes i would prefer linux just because of its ease of
tuning using the shell and text based config files is much easier than say a
gui and the registry.




[] On Behalf Of Lee Bacall
Sent: 02 June 2009 14:14
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [u2u] UV on Windows question


Right on Jerry.

We recently experienced a violent lightning storm here in South Florida.

While we have a backup generator and multiple UPS systems, transient
protection, etc.,

we thought it prudent to bring down some systems, do some spring-cleaning
and vacuum 

out the dust bunnies and cat fur from the fans and filters.


When bringing up one of the SUSE Linux servers, running uniVerse, I was
greeted with the message:

System has gone 220 days without a shutdown.


To quote Jerry, 

"Can you say the same about Windows?"



Lee Bacall





----- Original Message ----- 

From: jpb-u2ug <>  

To: 'U2 Users List' <>  

Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 8:58 AM

Subject: Re: [U2] [u2u] UV on Windows question


Let's see now. I have been working on Unix type systems for 30 years and
never had an anti-virus program running on any of them. Can you say the same
about Windows? In that time only one of them got hacked. Can you say the
same about Windows? I can go on if you wish.


Jerry Banker



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