> You could try the UniVerse command “UMASK 000”. Works exactly like 
> the Unix version.
> Put it in the UV.LOGIN or the account LOGIN macro and everyone will 
> get the settings applied.

While this answers the original question, the original question itself 
begs another question:  Are you sure you want to create all files as 777? 
True, this will ensure that nobody will hit access problems.  But do you 
really want database files created as accessible to anybody with access to 
the system?  And should they be set as executable?  Fully open files are a 
huge red flag for system auditors.

There may be times when it's justifiable to create a file as 777, but 
creating ALL files as 777 is - IMHO - opening yourself up for a huge 
cleanup problem later.

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist
U2 Lab Services
Information Management, IBM Software Group

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