I know you can send an alpha-numeric page to a pager via SNPP but I'm
not sure if it will work for a cell phone.  We do that in the case that
sendmail is having issues and backing up so an email can't get out.
There is a simple to use perl module.  We wrote a very simple perl
script to call the perl module from the command line.

# This is a script that can be called from a shell script
# to send a message via Net::SNPP using variables passed
# in by the command line.
    use Net::SNPP;
    $snpp = Net::SNPP->new($ARGV[0], Debug => 0);
    $snpp->send( Pager   => $ARGV[1],
                 Message => $ARGV[2],
               ) || die $snpp->message;

You simply pass the server address, pager number, and short message.

- Josh

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Dianne
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 3:09 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] sending text messages to a regular cell phone

Any cell phone has an email associated with it so you can do it - I've 
set the same thing up here with unix sendmail.  For example, I use 
verizon wireless and if you send an email to me at 201xxx...@vtext.com 
it goes as a text message to my cell.

Barber, Bonnie wrote:
> We send ourselves alerts from some of our Universe processes via UNIX
sendmail.  We would like to be able to send some of the critical alerts
as text messages to our personal cell phones when there is no one around
to monitor emails.  Does anyone know if this is possible? The alerts
currently go to our company pager, however the pager is rotated through
our whole department and it is not always carried by someone who is
familiar with our Universe OM system so the alerts are ignored.
> Thanks in advance for your responses.
> Bonnie Barber
> Perseus Distribution | Senior Programmer, J-Cispub
> 731-988-3135 Direct   800-343-4499 ext. 178
> 731-988-4452 Fax
> "A smile is like a light in the window telling people you are home"
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