Strangely enough - I just ran into this today. (UD Win 7.1.20).
Stopudt -f and udkill would kill them (although sometimes it took a while).
It took a very long while for the items to come out of listuser though.

I was testing a select list with more than 120 (and more than 256) key items
ie. SELECT FILE 'KEY1' 'KEY2' 'KEY3'.... Earlier versions of UD would logoff
the session. 7.1.20 would simply sit there saying "selecting". I let it sit
for 2+ hours before killing it. Didn't find anything in udtemp.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

P.S. It was actually through an SB+ selection process which may have altered
the output.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Haskett


I wrote a basic program that uses "stopudt" and it seems to always work; 
albeit sometimes with a time lag.  I've also noticed that UniAdmin 
doesn't always work.  I'm in a UniObjects (UO.NET) development 
environment and haven't had to reboot the Windows server because of 
this, so I'm wondering why "stopudt" doesn't work for you.


Jeff Butera said the following on 11/11/2009 2:57 PM:
> I've got an issue with unidata 7.1.? on windows.  In short, we 
> periodically have to kill off users for a variety of reasons.  The 
> problem is that they won't die off.
> That is, UniAdmin still shows the process and doesn't kill it, no 
> matter how many times I try "Logout".  If I try tasklist/taskkill, I 
> can't see the process.  Likewise, stopudt (with and without force) 
> will not kill the udt.
> p
> Short of rebooting entire server, I'm at a loss.  Anyone have magic 
> tricks for windows? I'm a unix guy and we need have these types of 
> problems in *nix land...
> Jeff Butera, Ph.D.

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