> From:Symeon Breen
> the busier ones we have to run with connection pooling 
> but the others suffice without and they are getting a 
> connection running a backend program and coming back 
> out and rendering a web page within a second.
> From: Jason Lin
> 4 seconds to execute Uniobject's OpenSession command. 
> I verified OpenSession's slow performance in a C# 
> program by doing open and closing unisession multiple 
> times in a loop without doing any database query.

I agree that 4 seconds is too long, so something else seems to be
going on there.

I mentioned mv.NET in passing earlier but I'll make an official
statement on it here: mv.NET can use UO.NET or Telnet to connect
into Universe or Unidata.  Stated another way, mv.NET is a
super-set above and beyond UO.NET.  UO.NET is faster than Telnet,
and recommended for connectivity.

mv.NET includes a session manager which allows transactions to be
processed without the "pain" of doing a login on every
connection.  Without this convenience, you need to do this
management on your own - in ASP.NET you might use Application
State for this.  mv.NET also automatically manages the increase
and decrease of DBMS connections to accommodate demand.  Again,
with UO by itself you would need to do this on your own.  mv.NET
coordinates access to any number of databases from any number of
processes - without this feature you will probably need a DBMS
connection open from every system that connects into your system.

In addition to connectivity management:
- mv.NET goes beyond UO.NET for common MV functions which use
files, items, lists, and programs;
- dictionary definitions are cached for performance;
- it includes an ADO.NET library which UO does not have at all;
- it includes a code generator to create strongly typed libraries
(think NHibernate and CSLA);
- and it has many other functions to facilitate a wide variety of
tasks with U2 as client or server to local or remote users and

As you investigate using UO.NET with ASP.NET and Web Services,
you may find that it does the job perfectly and you probably
won't feel a need for something more scalable like mv.NET.  But
as you work on other projects you will see the limitations, and I
encourage you to consider mv.NET as the next step in facilitating
your ongoing development.

Thanks for your time.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
Nebula R&D sells mv.NET worldwide
and provides related development services
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