
1. The good news is that the U2UG board has agreed to push ahead with our
incubator project this year. This will combine learning materials and sample
applications aimed at bringing the platform in front of genuinely new
developers who have not encountered any flavour of multivalue before. The
aim will be to make it as easy as possible to get people up and running to
the point where they can seriously evaluate the technology, and to showcase
the best that it can offer.

No doubt we will be seeking volunteers along the road.

We will be discussing exactly what we need to include, and how we will be
developing these at the next board meeting (in two weeks' time). We already
have a number of ideas taking shape, but in the mean time, suggestions are
welcomed: just send them to me offlist and I'll keep everyone posted. Once
we have a good batch, I'll add a new forum to the website dedicated to
discussing and furthering this topic, since it is such an important piece
for us as an industry.

NOW - since we're going to be giving up a lot of time for this - we want
something in return! Listen up!

2. One of the major problems has always been visibility. With the loss of
the IBM name, that visibility has taken another dive. The best way to get
that visibility and credibility back, is to be able to tell prospective
customers and developers just how widespread this technology is.

Which means, being able to tell them who is using it.

I know we have top companies in every industry sector using U2. Half of them
don't even know that there are other people in the same industry using it.
And it makes them feel isolated and worried about the platform.

We need a way to tell the world 'We Use U2'.

So we are going to be launching an initiative for people to tell us that. No
more than that - they don't need to tell us anything secret, how they are
using it, what they are doing with it, nothing that points to a competitive
advantage. Just that they are amongst the thousands of organizations that
use it.

So watch this space and think about how you can add your organizations names
to this list. You might be surprised how many others are out there.



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