See comments in-line.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Symeon Breen
> So are you saying you have one program file with multiple
> subdirectories in
> it ?

[Colin] Sure - why not?

> How would you then compile or catalog such programs - say if it is
> BP/typeAprogs/progname

[Colin] The same as any other. In UniData you create a VOC entry for the
directory and compile and catalog against it.

> Or are you saying in one account you have multiple program files ?   -
> If so
> then you have to use convcode against each program file not the
> account.

[Colin] In UniData an account is simply a directory. I'd imagine it would be
quite common to have multiple program directories. Although I've only worked
with 2 UniData systems - 1 has multiple accounts with many program
directories in each although no subdirectories under the program
directories, the other has only a couple of program directories but those
all have program subdirectories. In both cases it would make life much
easier to run commands recursively.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

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