Would those of you mind responding that use 3-Tier or N-Tier architecture - I'm 
trying to gather some quick numbers for some decision makers (somewhat urgent).

Please respond if your site, or sites who you service have UniData, UniVerse, 
or any other MV db on the backend, and any fully graphical user interface:

a.      How many have a middle-tier application server?
b.      How many use IBM Websphere?
c.      How many use some other? Please give product name if you can.
d.      How many have a Java front end User Interface?
e.      How many have a C# front end User Interface?
f.      How many have other UI? Please give name.

For anyone - what Multi-Value aware / friendly middleware products are there?  
(That don't require data normalization before sending to the middleware.)

Thank you so much,

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