Hmm, I'm guessing what's behind the question is the need to respond to the
usual 'this is a legacy text based system' nonsense. If I'm wrong in that,
please forgive the following soapbox!

I haven't written text based stuff in years (unless I have no choice), so
practically every system I've worked on in the last 10 - 15 years has been
client/server or web - whether that's been VB, Delphi, ASP or .Net, using
UniObjects, UO.Net, RedBack or equivalents. Point is - these things have
been around a long time.

For those who bang on about the perceived lack of front end development
tools for U2 (and you know who you are!) it's worth pointing out that U2 has
an excellent IDE - it's called Visual Studio. No different in that respect
to SQL Server.. except the combination of and UniVerse Basic is often
much neater - and for complex operations, quicker - than the equivalent SQL
Client/TSQL/SQL CLR combinations <grin>. If UniVerse Basic looks
old-fashioned, just look at the average TSQL procedure: sexy it ain't.

And the great advantage of U2 is that you *don't need* traditional n-tier -
your Business Logic (BL) tier belongs in the database. In fact, I prefer not
to think about U2 as a database. It's much more appropriate to legitimately
present U2 as a business engine - one in which BL, DAL and data storage
layers are all resident in the same space. Which is a huge saving in


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