Hi Chris

I would investigate Tony's product first - that may well save you a bunch of
work. I'm generating OpenXML from a number of different places - so if your
requirement is for UniVerse only I'd look to Nebula and see if it covers
your needs.

If you do find afterwards that you still want to look at OpenXML, it's
reasonably simple to update and manage but you need to invest some time
understanding the structure. Essentially, it's based on something called
Open Packaging Convention which is a zipped archive under the hood - though
not compatible will all ZIP programs :(. Within that archive, the content is
divided into a number of separate 'parts' all of which link together to
create a document - so a Word document will have separate parts for the main
body, section headers and footers, media elements, embedded pictures etc.

Once you have walked through that maze, the spreadsheet markup is simple as
far as the data content is concerned: there are some gotchas when reading
data (shared strings, for example) but you can generally avoid them all if
you are the one generating it. All the content is separated from the
styling, and held in a simple sheetData element for the chosen worksheet.
Each worksheet is a separate XML doc within the archive.

The difficulty is in adding new styles for formatting, simply because the
format there is very verbose.  Your best bet is to create a template, apply
various styles within that template to dummy cells and save it. Then you
have all the styling information ready to use and you can simply apply them
to your cells by adding a style number attribute.

It's worth noting that OpenXML was introduced as the standard format for
Office 2007, but there is a free download from Microsoft called the Office
Compatibility Pack that lets earlier versions of Office read and write in
that format.

I'd recommend the free eBook 'OpenXML Explained' by Wouter van Vugt. IIRC
it's downloadable via www.openxmldeveloper.org.


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