

XLr8Editor is still only $49.00 per year per workstation.  Join the hundreds
of users that are using the finest U2 Editor on the market.


We have a tool that allow you to do UniBasic installations remotely.  We
have tool that allows you to create objects for use with our web developer
tool.  We have a tool that allows you to copy and paste from Unidata to
Unidata, Universe to Universe, and Unidata to Universe.  We have a tool that
allows you to resize your account without any software being downloaded to
your database.


XLr8Editor runs on Universe version 9.6 or above or Unidata version 6.0 or
above.  We are SOX complaint.   We maintain a before and after history for
all changes through the editor.  We have access to version control software
like CVS, Subversion, Perforce, and GIT built into the Eclipse IDE which we
use as our platform.  We allow you to copy megabytes of data from U2 files
system to file system that is 100% complaint structurally because we are
using UniObjects technology.  We put out releases for bug fixes and an
enhancements many times a year so you never have to wait for years for
fixes.  Below is a small list of what has been enhanced or fix in the last
few months.


   1. Rewrote connection manager to speed up the process of editing code,
compiling code, formatting code, and our copy and paste utility  (50%

   2. Only a single user is required now to edit, compile, and format code.

   3. Added open source Quartz to our XLr8 Tools to keep those connections
from timing out.

   4. Added XLr8Monitor to allow you to close connections by account or all
them. If you close them and try, for example, the XLr8Editor, the connection
will be reopened.

   5. Added open source log4j to capture all of the logging to a real file
instead of going to the console.  With this logging capability we can
control the granularity of the logging process.

   6. When you compile a program the XLr8Editor marks your code if you have
any errors.  Those markers use to go away when you closed the program and
you still had those errors.  Those markers will stay until your next compile
which is hopefully clean and has no errors.

   7. Updated the registration process for adding accounts and servers.
This should make it easier to diagnose when you have either a bad password
or account path issue.

   8. Added a filter so you can filter out Dictionary files from the view.
Of course this works only if you turn it on.

   9. On Universe you now have the option to call another program to format
code instead of AE.

  10. Added the Save Password option to meet the PCI Security Standards to
not save the password after you have closed eclipse.







BTW:  You can download the tool and use the copy and paste utilities for

see www.u2logic.com/pdfs/XLr8Installation.pdf for complete installation


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