On earlier versions of SB+ - running on Unidata - we have created a couple
of processes that can be used to create and delete a temporary work file for
use by whatever logic falls between the CREATE.WORK.FILE and
DELETE.WORK.FILE processes.  In trying to port these to SB/XA on UV we're
running into a situation where Universe won't delete the data portion of the
work file.

Basically these process are wrappers for the CREATE.FILE and DELETE.FILE TCL
verbs.  Each process builds a variable with the appropriate command and then
calls a subroutine to silently EXECUTE the command and return the results.

If I run the two back to back from TCL the file is created and deleted
without incident.  If, however, something is written into the work file
between these two commands - as might be done from a program or paragraph -
the DELETE.WORK.FILE process (calling the DELETE.FILE TCL verb) will remove
the dictionary of the file, but not the data nor the VOC pointer.  The error
returned from the DELETE.FILE command (executed by this process) is "Unable
to delete file "WRK.xxxx" where the xxxx's are the current port #.

Before the file is deleted, both the dictionary and data portions are closed
using the CLOSE statement in an SB+ paragraph.  Even more interesting is
that after the process is complete and has returned to its caller, the
DELETE.WORK.FILE process works without incident.  It's almost like SB+ is
holding an open file buffer after the file has been closed or somehow the
DELETE.FILE is running at a different execution level than the CREATE.FILE
that originally made the file.

So to factor SB+ out of the mix I created a real simple test program:

002: OPEN 'WRK.3604' TO F.WRK THEN
003:   WRITE '' ON F.WRK,'X'
004:   CLOSE F.WRK
005: END

This program reliably creates and deletes the file each time, yet it is
almost identical to what we're trying to do from the SB+ paragraph.

So here's my question: Is UV sensitive about execution levels when deleting
a work file?  What might make Universe think the file is open when we've
attempted to close it using the CLOSE statement in an SB+ paragraph (other
than the obvious possibility that CLOSE might be broken)?

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