I have a customer setting up a Win7/64 box for UPS Worldship.  Previously
they had a XP/32 box in that same place running an earlier version of the WS
solution.  They've installed the Unidata ODBC driver (which is 32-bit) and
have configured it, and have tested it successfully using Excel.  (By
"tested successfully" they've proven they can read information from Unidata
into Excel via ODBC.)

In the UPS Worldship application, when they try to setup the ODBC connection
to read from Unidata, WS shows the configured connector for Unidata in the
ODBC data sources.  That's positive.  When they select that source and enter
user ID and password, the little Windows blue circle (waiting indicator)
hangs out for a half second, and then ... it disappears as if nothing has
happened.  At this point we would expect it to go to the screen where the
specifics of the ODBC connection can be configured, but it never goes there.
 We've checked a couple of user IDs and passwords, so there's very little
chance that the wrong user ID and/or password has been entered.

As the Unidata connector seems to work under Excel, I'm thinking the problem
is a bug in the Worldship application, but I figured that maybe someone here
might have seen this and have some ideas other than "call UPS"?

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