You might also want to correct the spelling/variable name in:

Receeived.Running.Total = 0

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: Brutzman

Yup... Before the "exit" I need to 

        Where.We.Left.Off = Receiver.Count

Thanks to Allen, Larry, and Robert.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Houben

Nothing is "resetting" Where.We.Left.Off to "1".  The code that you are
providing below sets it to "1" at the beginning and NEVER CHANGES IT!  The
only place you reference it in your code is the "for Receiver.Count..."
loop, and there it is only used to set the initial value of Receiver.Count.
Its value is never set inside the two for loops.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Brutzman

When I try do something like the following, inside the loop, UV keeps
resetting Where.We.Left.Off to "1".
To solve this, I am expecting to invoke brute force.  I am surprised that
UV-Basic behaves this way.
An explanation would be appreciated.


Where.We.Left.Off = 1

for Blanket.PO.Count = 1 to Total.Nbr.PO.Releases

  read R.POD from F.POD...
  PO.Qty = R.POD, Blanket.PO.Count>

  for Receiver.Count = Where.We.Left.Off to Total.Nbr.Receivers

   read R.Rcvr from F.Rcvr...
                                         Received.Qty =
               Received.Running.Total += Received.Qty
    begin case
case Received.Running.Total > PO.Line.Item.Qty  ;  crt PO.Qty : '  ' :
                                                   Receeived.Running.Total =
    end   case

  next Receiver.Count

next Blanket.PO.Count

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