On 04/03/11 00:55, Bill Brutzman wrote:
> It is not clear to me how SubVersion and GIT developers refer to the latest 
> rev of their subs.  Also the reverse...what programs use the subs.  This is 
> where OSGI fits in.  I have heard rumblings that people are working on an 
> Eclipse-compatible OSGI SCM thing.  OSGI is worth learning about.  OSGI is a 
> configuration tool that grew up out of the cell phone industry to handle 
> config control on say, a Nokia family of products.

Git, certainly, you have two techniques. The commit ID for any given
file(s), and the tag or branch for any given "application". Application
in quotes because it can refer to as much or as little of your system as
you want.

I'm currently playing with / learning git.

The whole point of a DVCS is that there is NO master copy, other than by
convention. So each developer is likely to have their own development
account, and then there's the central development account. Where git
really scores (dunno about other systems) is the ability to switch
between different problems very quickly and easily.

You could have a long-term project you're working on, and a medium term
development job. It's dead easy to switch between the two - "commit a;
checkout b" and you've just changed from one to t'other. Then someone
might come to you with "drop everything - we've got a problem on live"
so "stash; checkout new branch from live" and you're running on a copy
of live, in a new branch, where you can modify and test things. Once
it's all working, "commit; push to live system" (or "pull from live
system") and the fix has gone live.

"drop copy of live; checkout development"; and you're back where you

And the nice thing is, every time you change branch, or every morning or
whatever, you can do a "pull; merge" and you're development copy keeps
in sync with all the changes every one else is making.

And these commands probably take longer to type than to run :-)

But I would say, even if no-one else in your organisation is using it,
it's a damn good tool for you to use for your own work. If you've got
several people working on a centralised VCS, I've had enough pain where
we've been tripping over each other trying to update the same file. You
can have a master branch tracking the central system, then do your own
development in your own branches. When you need to commit, sync your
master with central, check out central, merge your changes into your
master, then commit back to central. That way, you're not held up
because you can't check out a file, and you're not swearing when you're
half way through make a LOT of not-so-important changes, and someone
comes along saying "you need to check that back in, I've got an
emergency to fix!".

I'd say play with git! It's a nice system, and there's absolutely no
need whatsoever for it to impact on anybody else around you, unless you
want it to. And other people will probably start using it too, once you
realise how nice and powerful it is.

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