A little correction--I see that my first sentence made little sense
after I edited it incorrectly. I intended to say something like
"Because I am no longer a significant user of UniData as I once was, I
hesitate to pipe up ..."


On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Dawn Wolthuis <dw...@tincat-group.com> wrote:
> Because I am no longer a significant user of UniData as I once was, I
> will pipe up on this question about what I see as the most important
> role of the U2UG. When the idea came to me to work with folks to get
> this off the ground, my thinking was that it would be useful to have
> such an organization to try to get more visibility for MultiValue in
> general. Because U2 was under the wing of IBM, if we were going to get
> some better visibility as a branch of the DBMS industry, the most
> likely resources for such would come from IBM, having more than 70% of
> the MV installed base (at least that was a figure I saw at one point,
> perhaps even 75%). So, the biggest reason for me was raising the
> visibility of what was then relegated to Gartner's "embedded database"
> category.
> Now that we have the NoSQL folks out there, I think we should be
> playing ball with them, getting MV to be one category of NoSQL or
> YesNoSQL for those MV products that do support SQL. Because I now use
> Cache' I wish I had not married this organization solely to IBM. At
> the time I figured that Revelation and jBASE/mPower were also third
> party providers in the U2 space, so that if we built up from U2 to the
> entire space, it would not be that difficult. Oddly enough, I now do
> not feel I can be part of the U2UG to any great extent simply because
> of the angle that initially I selected and the name that our initial
> board selected.
> I would like to see the U2UG look in a bigger way at MultiValue
> industry affiliations and how our niche of the industry can play ball
> and be more visible and figure out how to play with industry
> organizations outside of the MV space as well as within. Just my two
> cents.   --dawn
> --
> Dawn M. Wolthuis
> Take and give some delight today
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 7:13 AM, David Jordan <da...@dacono.com.au> wrote:
> <snip>
>> These are my thoughts to some of the issues raised.
>> *What do you see as the most important role of the U2UG?
>> The U2UG plays a number of important roles to empower users to develop their 
>> skills, improve their career opportunities, spread the message and enhance 
>> the U2 products. Some of the issues that I have worked on within the user 
>> group has included working to open the U2 knowledge base that had been 
>> previously been restricted to licensed users, in lobbying management in IBM 
>> and Informix to recognise the U2 technology and issues such as connection 
>> pooling and better documentation.  These were made possible by showing 
>> solidarity of a passionate group of users.
> <snip>

Dawn M. Wolthuis

Take and give some delight today
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