> From:Joseph Chelston
> I'm just trying to limit competition from other recruiters by
> disclosing too much information on this forum.
> I apologize if this is a problem for anyone. I'm just trying 
> to find good
> candidates and I know they are on this forum.

I would offer that at this point we don't even know if you're in
the right forum.  Could you at least offer the identity of the
database platform hosted by your client?  Seriously, if you said
"contact me about a SQL job" or "I need a programmer" don't you
think you'd get the same kind of response as you've elicited
here.  The Pick industry is much deeper than you seem to know -
it's not all just "Pick".  You're not representing your client
well but this situation can be salvaged productively and perhaps
for you profitably.

Here are the main issues so far:
- We don't know what database your client has. It might not be
U2.  You say "PICK Systems" which may actually be for a platform
called D3 from the company formerly known as PICK Systems.
- Lack of a website for BSGStaffing makes you look like a
scammer.  Obviously you used to have some site and you have an
email server.  Otherwise you personally have created a
credibility problem for yourself, but again this can be remedied.
- Asking for a system administrator is like asking for someone
who can use a pencil.  We all qualify, so what are the
differentiators.  Here are some skills that differentiate Pick
people: Java, .NET, System Builder, RedBack, FlashCONNECT,
Quibic, Temenos Banking, Avante/Dataflow/Manfact, Promax ...
Insert the name of any MV industry software package or
platform-specific tool.
- Knowing the software is one thing but a sysadmin who knows the
nature of the specific business is much more valuable than
someone who doesn't.  Is this banking, retail, manufacturing,
pharmaceutical, a medical practice?

I could go on (as many here would attest).  You've jumped into a
forum completely unprepared.  Drop me a note and I'll try to help
you and your client to better craft your message - or at least to
get it to the right audience.  Hopping into my business shoes
here, you're supposed to be providing value to your client and
you expect to be paid for it.  I will be happy to send you in the
right direction on a pro-bono basis just to keep our colleagues
here from getting further annoyed, but if you want more help in
getting the right candidate for the position, I'll have the same
expectations of fee for service as you have yourself.  You can
decide after some exchanges if you want to go in that direction.
If you don't know how to approach this market and you don't want
to get some help to do so, then I recommend you find a different
market to offer your services.

Good luck,
Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
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