Actually, at 64b, the limit is slightly over 9 petabytes. I think that so far 
this is theoretical; I'm guessing that nobody yet has  put together a disk 
array of 9 petabytes and created one large file...
2 raised to the (32-1) power is 2,147,483,648
2 raised to the (64-1) power is 9,223,373,036,854,775,808., when you see your file getting above, say, 9,223,373,036,400,000,000, 
you may want to break it up into dynamic or distributed files.
> Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:45:46 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] File Item Count Limit?
> Also, If they are 64 bit files in Universe then they can grow quite large on
> the disk.
> You can have a file that probably takes up to 64 GB of disk space.
> Depending on the record size, etc... who knows how many records that could
> be. I don't have the formula's in front of me to figure that out.
> You can change whether a file is 32 or 64 bit in universe by using the
> RESIZE command.
> Its also a configurable paramater for newly created files in the uvconfig
> file. I think you can easily find it in UniAdmin somewhere.
> So even if that file you are referring to is a 32bit one and it exceeds 2 GB
> on the disk, you can resize it (without users on the system), and turn it
> into a 64 GB file and let it keep growing.
> Of course, back it up first as always...
> So I think you will be ok, especially if the records don't have much data in
> them as you say.
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 6:22 PM, Dan McGrath <> wrote:
> > Assuming you're talking about a hash file, I'd hazard a guess that it
> > would be only limited by:
> > 1) File size
> > 2) The ability of the tools to handle the file record list (such as
> > 2.1) I.e, memory limitations and
> > 2.2) The count variable (assuming it is a 32bit signed int, that gives
> > you a max 2^31 = 2147483648 records)
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of George Gallen
> > Sent: Friday, 3 June 2011 6:38 AM
> > To: U2 Users List
> > Subject: [U2] File Item Count Limit?
> >
> > I'm on UV/Linux
> >
> > Just curious, is there a limit to the number of items you can have in a
> > file? or just limited to overall file size?
> > We have one file that has about 15M items at present. Not much data in
> > each item, just a crap load of them.
> >
> > George
> >
> >
> > George Gallen
> > Senior Programmer/Analyst
> > Accounting/Data Division, EDI Administrator
> > ph:856.848.9005 Ext 220
> > The Wyanoke Group
> >
> >
> >
> >
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