Thanks you to everyone that responded.  We had identified the items people 
suggested, and some addition items.
Thanks again!

From: Tom Whitmore
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:11 AM
To: U2-Users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Question about updating customer's systems...

We develop software for college bookstores.  Over the past year and a half, we 
implemented PRC's version control software in-house, which has helped us 
improve the development and release process.  We are no looking at how to 
improve the installation process at our customers.  At this point, our goal is 
to have an isolated, sandbox, where we can install the update and have our 
customers test.  Once they are "happy", provide them tools to install the code 
into their production system.

As we start down this path, we are wondering if anyone in this group could 
share their experiences of implementing something like this, and be willing to 
share what they learned through your implementation (what worked, what didn't, 
what are the gotcha's that we should make sure we address).
Tom Whitmore
RATEX Business Solution
U2-Users mailing list

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