I don't think the flavor of DB is a great indicator of whether you need a
dedicated DBA role.  Scale of deployment is probably a far better indicator.

If we're talking about personnel costs -- have you ever been able to hire a
college freshman for $20 bucks an hour who already has 2 years of U2 under
his belt from building WordPress sites?  The point being that there is much
more qualified MySQL and SQL Server talent available than U2 talent.

Also, DBs like MySQL are battle tested.  You'll rarely find a core bug in
MySQL if you're using a stable version.  Why?  Because hundreds of thousands
of developers are using it and thus finding the bugs (likely) before they
hit you.  When I was working with U2 every day, we consistently found and
were affected by core bugs.  Costly ones, too.


On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Bill Brutzman <bi...@hkmetalcraft.com>wrote:

> Let's focus on costs for a moment.   While of course MySQL is widely
> available... businesses that are seriously using MySQL generally buy
> maintenance for the year.  While I suppose that, pricewise,  MySQL support
> rather reasonable, it is also not "free"... and I suppose is approx. the
> same price as U2 maintenance.
> There other support costs to consider.  A lot of shops have say a
> programmer and a DBA.  When these shops find that there are comparable
> companies doing  U2 who have one guy who is both the programmer and the
> DBA... they wonder...  That then is (some of) the supporting reasoning.
> --Bill
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [U2] Why Pick U2 ?
> "When comparing U2 to Oracle or Microsoft SQL, U2 wins.  When comparing U2
> to MySQL, U2 still wins."
> That's a pretty blanket statement with no supporting reasoning.
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