
I was curious if you had a quick example? I'm just curious how you guys are 
suggesting to do this


> Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 11:13:04 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] SELECT question, paginated select.
> Chris:
> I'm betting the solution also needs indexing, because you want to pick 
> up where the last list left off and you don't want to wait for a select 
> to return to save the list.  So, SAMPLE isn't really a solution but 
> indexing is.  We do this all the time, but we have to use indexing.  In 
> fact, we parse through a file with millions of records to get a page 
> full of stuff and the pop-up list is instantaneous.
> Secondly, I'm not sure a dropdown list is the appropriate choice for a 
> thousand items.
> HTH,
> Bill
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:*
> *To:*
> *Date:* 7/20/2011 10:14 AM
> *Subject:* [U2] SELECT question, paginated select.
> > I'm working on a screen in our webapp where we're using a dojo widjet to 
> > create a drop down with client names. The problem
> > is that we have 1,000's of clients and when we do a SELECT on this many 
> > clients it takes a while. I know we can index the field but
> > I was wondering if you can do smart selecting in UniVerse.
> >
> > For example if I wanted to use this query:
> >
> > SELECT CLIENT WITH @ID = "A]" SAMPLE 10   (returns 10 clients starting with 
> > the letter A).
> >
> > I want to paginate my drop down so the first query has the above data. The 
> > problem I'm facing is that I don't know how to
> > get the NEXT 10 clients? Is there  a way to do this?
> >
> > For example if I wanted to return the next 10 CLIENTS, without including 
> > any of the first 10.
> >
> > Chris
> >
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